El Karma 4 Compound El Sheikh Zayed City
About Developer
Badr El Dine Company for Real Estate.
Introducing the luxurious Compound Karma 4 from the highest hill in Zayed City.
Compound El Karma 4 enjoys a prestigious location in Zayed City,From the highest hill in Zayed,it offers spectacular views ranging from Smart Village to Downtown Cairo that are unlikely to be surpassed.
Compound El Karma 4’s design and construction materials and artisan ship with vision and flair.It’s buildings exemplifies truly elegant and intelligent design.
As with all Karma developments,a wide array of services and outlets will be available to our residents.
Among these many services are:
-Unparalleled compound security 24h,7 days a week.
– Compound Karma 4 project area is 62 feddans
-Multi use club house including a football field,tennis courts,multipurpose courts ,swimming pools,Gym and a social resident’s lounge.
-Safe kids playing area.
-Unrivaled landscape and comfortable street design.
-Independent cabling infrastructure IT and TV distribution,high speed connection for data/telephone with possible home automation system.
-Commercial area with all of the resident’s needs including supermarkets,a pharmacy,restaurants,beauty salon,office spaces and much more. :
Tel: 01098329178
Villa separate in Compound El-karma 4 in El-sheikh Zayed
area 610 m
Building 330 m
Contract 50%
Complete 50%
Rest over up to 5 years
Company Projects
El Karma 1. & El Karma 2. & El Karma 3. & karma Residence. & ElKarma 4. & Commercial Areas.
Location Of El karma 4 Compound
Tel: 01098329178
compound el karma 4 at El Sheikh Zayed
Villa separate in compound El-karma 4 in El-sheikh Zayed
area 555 m
Building 360 m
Contract 50%
Complete 50%
Rest over up to 5 years
Compound el karma 4
compound el karma 4 villa separate and twin house at 6 October El Sheikh Zayed
compound el karma 4 villa Payment facilities
compound el karma 4 in 6 October El Sheikh Zayed twin houses Payment facilities